Our Vision

Jesus wants us to be and make disciples who obey everything he commanded.


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, saturating them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And see! I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Mt. 28:19-20)

The mission of Ichthus is to “make disciples of college students who will love Christ and his church for a lifetime.” College students are crazily strategic to God’s wonderful plan to bring all things on earth under his good and perfect leadership—his kingdom. (They’re also crazy fun.) Now is the time for them to learn to trust and obey Jesus in everything, seeing him transform their worlds and the worlds of those around them, and then be sent to replicate this process as they graduate and go wherever God sends them.

We are delighted to be pursuing this goal together, especially using the lens of Disciple-Making Movements (DMM) to guide our specific approach.

DMM is basically a term to describe the explosive growth of the Gospel of Jesus through many parts of the world throughout history and even today in parts of Africa and Asia. Wherever the gospel has virally spread, certain core characteristics have always been found—things like extraordinary prayer and reading, obeying, and sharing God’s Word.

We are seeking to learn from these movements throughout the world and humbly but boldly ask God to have mercy on Manhattan, KS, and do the same right here!

For more information about DMM, check out the website of an Ichthus alum who is helping coach us: www.coryozbun.com

The world needs to freely surrender to Jesus as Lord. Pray for this campus and this town to see and know the joy in following Him!

The world needs to freely surrender to Jesus as Lord. Pray for this campus and this town to see and know the joy in following Him!